在 ffplay 中实现了上述前 3 种的同步策略,默认以『音频为主时钟』
1 { "sync" , HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_sync }, "set audio-video sync. type (type=audio/video/ext)" , "type" },
Clock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 typedef struct Clock { double pts; double pts_drift; double last_updated; double speed; int serial; int paused; int *queue_serial; } Clock;
pts pts 是 presentation timestamp 的缩写,即显示时间戳,用于标记一个帧的呈现时刻,在这里是 double 类型,其实就是已经转化为秒为单位的 pts 值,实际上 pts 的单位由 timebase 决定,timebase 的类型是结构体 AVRational(用于表示分数):
1 2 3 4 typedef struct AVRational{ int num; int den; } AVRational;
如timebase = {1, 1000}
表示千分之一秒,那么 pts = 1000,即为 1 秒,那么这一帧就需要在第一秒的时候呈现在 ffplay 中,将 pts 转化为秒,一般做法是:pts * av_q2d(timebase)
流程 如果视频播放过快,则重复播放上一帧,以等待音频;如果视频播放过慢,则丢帧追赶音频
在 stream_open 方法中,会对 clock 进行初始化
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 static VideoState *stream_open (FFPlayer *ffp, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *iformat) { init_clock(&is->vidclk, &is->videoq.serial); init_clock(&is->audclk, &is->audioq.serial); init_clock(&is->extclk, &is->extclk.serial); }
视频数据 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 static int ffplay_video_thread (void *arg) { AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc(); double pts; for (;;) { ret = get_video_frame(ffp, frame); pts = (frame->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? NAN : frame->pts * av_q2d (tb) ; pts = pts * 1000 ; ret = queue_picture(ffp, frame, pts, duration, frame->pkt_pos, is->viddec.pkt_serial); } }
在 get_video_frame 获取解码的数据后,计算出 pts 也就是当前帧的播放时间 ,pts 的计算方式是 frame->pts * av_q2d(tb) 其中 tb 是 AVRational 结构体,是一个 timebase
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 static int queue_picture (FFPlayer *ffp, AVFrame *src_frame, double pts, double duration, int64_t pos, int serial) { ... Frame *vp; if (!(vp = frame_queue_peek_writable(&is->pictq))) return -1 ; frame_queue_push(&is->pictq); }
AVFrame 的每次写入都要从 frame_queue 中获取一个 Frame
音频数据 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 static int audio_thread (void *arg) { AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc(); Frame *af; do { if ((got_frame = decoder_decode_frame(ffp, &is->auddec, frame, NULL )) < 0 ) goto the_end; if (got_frame) { if (!(af = frame_queue_peek_writable(&is->sampq))) goto the_end; av_frame_move_ref(af->frame, frame); frame_queue_push(&is->sampq); } } while (ret >= 0 || ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || ret == AVERROR_EOF); }
过程和视频解码的差不多,同样是将解码出来的 AVFrame 赋值到 Frame 中
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 static int audio_decode_frame (FFPlayer *ffp) { if (!(af = frame_queue_peek_readable(&is->sampq))) return -1 ; if (!isnan(af->pts)) is->audio_clock = af->pts + (double ) af->frame->nb_samples / af->frame->sample_rate; else is->audio_clock = NAN; }
在音频播放的方法里,每播放一帧都会得到这一帧的播放时间, 将其保存在 Video_State 这个结构体的 audio_clock 中,而音视频同步的计算是利用到此结构体
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 static void sdl_audio_callback (void *opaque, Uint8 *stream, int len) { audio_size = audio_decode_frame(ffp); if (!isnan(is->audio_clock)) { set_clock_at(&is->audclk, is->audio_clock - (double )(is->audio_write_buf_size) / is->audio_tgt.bytes_per_sec - SDL_AoutGetLatencySeconds(ffp->aout), is->audio_clock_serial, ffp->audio_callback_time / 1000000.0 ); sync_clock_to_slave(&is->extclk, &is->audclk); } }
然后将得到的 audio_clock 通过一系列处理,保存到 Clock 结构体里面,其中 set_clock_at
同步 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 static int video_refresh_thread(void *arg) { FFPlayer *ffp = arg; VideoState *is = ffp->is; double remaining_time = 0.0; while (!is->abort_request) { if (remaining_time > 0.0) av_usleep((int)(int64_t)(remaining_time * 1000000.0)); remaining_time = REFRESH_RATE; if (is->show_mode != SHOW_MODE_NONE && (!is->paused || is->force_refresh)) video_refresh(ffp, &remaining_time); } return 0; } /* called to display each frame */ static void video_refresh(FFPlayer *opaque, double *remaining_time) { FFPlayer *ffp = opaque; VideoState *is = ffp->is; double time; Frame *sp, *sp2; if (!is->paused && get_master_sync_type(is) == AV_SYNC_EXTERNAL_CLOCK && is->realtime) check_external_clock_speed(is); if (!ffp->display_disable && is->show_mode != SHOW_MODE_VIDEO && is->audio_st) { time = av_gettime_relative() / 1000000.0; if (is->force_refresh || is->last_vis_time + ffp->rdftspeed < time) { video_display2(ffp); is->last_vis_time = time; } *remaining_time = FFMIN(*remaining_time, is->last_vis_time + ffp->rdftspeed - time); } if (is->video_st) { retry: if (frame_queue_nb_remaining(&is->pictq) == 0) { // nothing to do, no picture to display in the queue } else { double last_duration, duration, delay; Frame *vp, *lastvp; // lastvp上一帧,vp当前帧 ,nextvp下一帧 /* dequeue the picture */ lastvp = frame_queue_peek_last(&is->pictq); vp = frame_queue_peek(&is->pictq); if (vp->serial != is->videoq.serial) { frame_queue_next(&is->pictq); goto retry; } // 跳帧处理 if (lastvp->serial != vp->serial) is->frame_timer = av_gettime_relative() / 1000000.0; if (is->paused) goto display; /* compute nominal last_duration */ last_duration = vp_duration(is, lastvp, vp); // 计算上一帧的持续时长 // 计算当前需要delay的时间 delay = compute_target_delay(ffp, last_duration, is); // 取系统时刻 time= av_gettime_relative()/1000000.0; if (isnan(is->frame_timer) || time < is->frame_timer) is->frame_timer = time; if (time < is->frame_timer + delay) { // 如果上一帧显示时长未满,重复显示上一帧 *remaining_time = FFMIN(is->frame_timer + delay - time, *remaining_time); goto display; } is->frame_timer += delay; // frame_timer 更新为上一帧结束时刻,也是当前帧开始时刻 if (delay > 0 && time - is->frame_timer > AV_SYNC_THRESHOLD_MAX) is->frame_timer = time; //如果与系统时间的偏离太大,则修正为系统时间 SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq.mutex); if (!isnan(vp->pts)) update_video_pts(is, vp->pts, vp->pos, vp->serial); // 修改 Clock,下次同步计算处理 SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq.mutex); // 丢帧逻辑 if (frame_queue_nb_remaining(&is->pictq) > 1) { Frame *nextvp = frame_queue_peek_next(&is->pictq); duration = vp_duration(is, vp, nextvp); // 当前帧显示时长 if(!is->step && (ffp->framedrop > 0 || (ffp->framedrop && get_master_sync_type(is) != AV_SYNC_VIDEO_MASTER)) && time > is->frame_timer + duration) { // 如果系统时间已经大于当前帧,则丢弃当前帧 frame_queue_next(&is->pictq); // 回到函数开始位置,继续重试 goto retry; } } // ... frame_queue_next(&is->pictq); is->force_refresh = 1; SDL_LockMutex(ffp->is->play_mutex); if (is->step) { is->step = 0; if (!is->paused) stream_update_pause_l(ffp); } SDL_UnlockMutex(ffp->is->play_mutex); } display: /* display picture */ if (!ffp->display_disable && is->force_refresh && is->show_mode == SHOW_MODE_VIDEO && is->pictq.rindex_shown) // 渲染视频 video_display2(ffp); } // ... }
最后就到了视频的渲染了,视频渲染的线程是 video_refresh_thread , remaining_time
是视频渲染线程需要 sleep 的时间也就是同步时间,单位是 us
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 static void video_display2 (FFPlayer *ffp) { VideoState *is = ffp->is; if (is->video_st) video_image_display2(ffp); } static void video_image_display2 (FFPlayer *ffp) { VideoState *is = ffp->is; Frame *vp; Frame *sp = NULL ; vp = frame_queue_peek_last(&is->pictq); if (vp->bmp) { if (ffp->render_wait_start && !ffp->start_on_prepared && is->pause_req) { if (!ffp->first_video_frame_rendered) { ffp->first_video_frame_rendered = 1 ; ffp_notify_msg1(ffp, FFP_MSG_VIDEO_RENDERING_START); } while (is->pause_req && !is->abort_request) { SDL_Delay(20 ); } } SDL_VoutDisplayYUVOverlay(ffp->vout, vp->bmp); } }